When medicine meets tech, Noramirah’s world of medical engineering

After scoring her A-Levels, Amirah was offered to further her studies in Cardiff University to do her Masters in Biomedical Engineering.

She started her career in biomedical engineering as a design engineer for Materialise where she was responsible for design work for Materialise Acetabular Implants (MaCE) in customising hip implants and establishing a new design team based in Malaysia.

She then worked as a medical application engineer providing technical consultancy on how Materialise software can help various profiles in the medical industry. She is now a project manager for Anatomical Data Mining (ADAM) in Belgium.


  • Attended Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC).
  • Completed her A-Levels at Kolej Yayasan UEM, one of the premier A-Levels institutions in the country. Attended Cardiff University after A-Levels for her Master’s in Engineering in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Did A-Levels with the intention of pursuing medicine but felt it was not the best choice for her when she wrote her personal statement.
  • Requested from Cardiff University to pursue biomedical engineering instead.
  • Currently a sales application engineer where she provides consultancy on how Materialise can spread their 3D technology to healthcare entities.
  • Explained that the next big things in her line of work are artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality.

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